Most health scores in Customer Success are useless. Here’s why.
Health scores are hailed as the panacea 💊 in Customer Success. The reality is that they give yet another excuse to not be proactive in CS. Health scores must be built on top of success journeys that lead to the goal of the customer to be effective.
A plea for more cohorts in sales
Most conversion rates are actually only displayed on a ‘one-month basis’ in CRMs, so a month-on-month comparison approach to funnel analytics would already be an improvement. Nevertheless, the blended conversion rates on those month-on-month comparisons, don’t give actual insights about process improvements or individual improvements made over time. Hence, a plea for actionable sales cohorts per sales rep.
KPIs to evaluate sales MANAGERS
This article sheds a light on actionable KPIs to measure the performance of managers. Sales reps are transparent, everything is measured. Sales managers, however, only need to report realized revenue numbers – something that they do not directly influence.
Doubting the golden rule – how to speak about competition?
Don’t talk bad about your competition. End of story. I am asking why? And how should I talk about them instead?
Momentum vs. learning: How to react to bad sales calls?
On the one hand, we should sustain momentum after a bad call, make more calls, and not dwell on the bad experience, but we probably will not learn. On the other hand, we should stop, reflect, adjust & learn, but then probably lose our ‘flow’. How to combine positive ‘blinders’ thinking with learning from every given opportunity?
Courtesy forms in sales: breaking down walls between you and a prospect
Swearing increases chances to close by 50% – what about addressing someone informally in countries of two-level distinctions?
Specialized vs. Full-cycle sales – when should we let sales reps own the entire sales funnel?
Predictable Revenue has defined a sales process that >95% of all SaaS companies adhere to – specialization. The main argument is ‘people do few things better’. Recently, however, more and more SaaS companies have opted back to the more traditional full-cycle sales process. This article describes the arguments of each side and tries to point the reader in the appropriate direction.
Football vs. Basketball – How to improve sales performance in weak vs. strong-link systems?
Is your sales team’s performance determined by your weakest or your strongest sales rep? The answer determines how you should go about training them. One thing is clear, a sales team’s performance is determined by the level of their manager.
Failing-forward through Lost-Deal Analysis
Improve your playbook by looking at what is working and what is not working and causing deals to get lost.
Perception – Do you have an anti or pro-sales culture?
Your culture can be anti or pro-sales, which is a key enabling factor in sales performance.